The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2025)

1956 PAGE THREE PROGRESS, CHARLOTTESVILLE, WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON AUGUST 29, THE DAILY Sudden Death IN A FOUR-DWELLING section of housing project in a suburb Montreal, A GAPING shows HOLE where two two-story houses stood before a gasoline explosion wrecked them. Five people Canada, Realtor Points Out Changes In Man Who Failed Appear In Court FHA Payments For Old Houses Given Jail Term Many Charlottesville area families are in a better position to become home owners as the result of recent changes in the law governing the operation of the Federal Housing Administration program, Joel M. Cochran, president of the local real estate board, said today. Of the greatest significance to residents who are contemplating the purchase of a home is the new FHA provision which makes it possible to buy an existing home with a substantially reduced down payment. "Under the new terms the FHA program," Cochran explained, "the house can be bought with a down payment less than that required up to now.

This results from the extension to existing houses of the financing provisions hitherto applicable only to new construction." Seven Per Cent The new low down payment is made possible by the increase in loan-to-value ratios for existing houses. The minimum down payment required on a home to be occupied by the borrower with FHA insurance is now seven per cent of the first $9,000 of FHA value, plus 27 per cent of the value above $9,000 up to $20,000. Under previous FHA provisions, the minimum down payment on such housing had to be 12 per cent of the first $9,000, plus 27 per cent of the amount above that figure. Cochran said that the significance of the new low down payment on existing homes to Charlottesville families stems from the fact that "the existing home market is greater and more varied than that for new houses." He said that two existing houses are sold for every new one. Another new provision that brings home ownership within the reach of a growing group of Charlottesville citizens, according to Cochran, is that providing new assistance to elderly persons desiring a home.

A person 60 or over buying a home with the proceeds of an FHA insured mortmay now borrow funds for gage both the down payment and settlement costs. "Both of these provisions designled to make home ownership easier This Pooch's Number Is Up Man Jailed For Trespassing Arrest Made Under 'Peeping Tom' Law A Montrose Avenue resident was sent to jail for 30 days in City Court this morning on a charge of trespassing brought after a housewife called police to report a "peeping tom." He was arrested in her yard. James David Peebles III, was sent to jail and fined $25. The jail time imposed this morning was a sentence set on a similar charge a year ago and suspended at that time. Peebles said he could assign no reason for being in the yard of Mrs.

Harry Dawson's home except that he had been drinking. Police recently have received a number of "peeping tom" complaints from the Montrose Avenue area and other parts of the city. New Law A new statute covering peeping toms was adopted by the General Assembly last winter and Commonwealth's Attorney L. W. Wood warned Peebles this morning that if he were re brought in again on the same charge, he would face the maximum penalty 12 months in jail and a $500 fine.

Peebles said he planned to move to Norfolk. Peebles was the first person tried in City Court under the new statute, to which he pleaded guilty, It makes it "unlawful to trespass on the property of another with intent to look into the windows" or to enter the house of another with any unlawful intent. In other cases in City Court today, Robert -Wade Salmon, of Rt. 5, was fined $25, given a suspended 30-day sentence and lost his driver's license for 60 days on a conviction of leaving the scene of an accident without identifying himself, and Bernice Ruth Thomas, Negro, of 12th SW, was fined $10 for reckless driving which led to an auto accident Monday night. Salmon's car struck a parked auto owned by Edward Chapman, of Monticello Aug.

12, springing the door and knocking off a strip of chromium. Salmon did not stay at the scene and identity himself as the law requires. The car driven by Bernice Ruth Thomas crashed into a Virginia Electric and Power Company pole at the corner of W. Main and Eighth Sts. while making a right turn off Main onto.

Eighth, The driver and three other occupants were hurt. Youth Critically Hurt When Sprayed By Acid ST. LOUIS (P- James Badger, 13, sprayed by, sulphuric acid which had leaked from a truck, was burned critically as he rode bicycle in suburban Lemay. A a passing car splashed the acid on him. He lost control of the bicycle and fell to the street.

His shirt and trousers fell away. A quick thinking witness sprayed him with a hose he was using to water his lawn. Badger was burned on his chest, arms, face and legs. The truck driver said a valve apparently jarred open as he crossed 'some railroad tracks. About 4,000 gallons of acid escaped.

SIX-WEEK-OLD PET of Billy and Jimmy Carpenter, 1435 "PUGS." E. High has a clearly defined numeral, "17," in the black markhis back. "Pugs" isn't excited over the fact, but his owners ings on and the neighbors think the incident most unusual. The young owners of "Pugs," sons of Mr. and Mrs.

W. C. Carpenter, say the puppy is Cocker Spaniel, but this point is open to debate. Mrs. Carpenter says he is "just puppy" and that Billy and Jimmy are crazy about him, numeral or no numeral.

-Progress photo by Loving. Surgical Fitting Room Located Downstairs, 112 Second N. E. NOW. Sheer Beautiful.

Nylon 214 ELASTIC STOCKINGS Leg flattering beauty--firm comfortable support Wear them with or ONLY at a price you can pay. First quality. without overhose. They last! launder 375 easily, dry fast -and they EACH OF DE COMPANY Sernit Elastic Stockings FITZHUGH REXALL DRUG 201 EAST MAIN STREET DIAL 2-4231 Peyton To Head Chest Division Will Direct County Drive In October The Albemarle Division of the Charlottesville and Albemarle Community Chest's October drive will be headed by Clay Michie Peyton, the Chest office announced today, Peyton has already secured A number of workers for the County division, including Mrs. Sam Vest, Miss Virginia Bowen, Mrs.

Jack Carpenter, Gibson Gardner, Mrs. Harry George Jr. Walter Mehring, James Dorrier, and Mr. and Mrs. George Hoblin.

The County quota for the 1956 drive in 1 $43,018.57. The same division brought in $42,690.03 last Contributions from donors year. reached by Advance Gifts solicitations are automatically credited to the County Division when the contributors are County residents not reached through Business, Industrial, or University Divisions. The geography of Albemarle County is well -known to Peyton, who lives at "The his birthplace. The son of F.

Bradley Peyton and grandson of Captain H. Clay Michie, C.S.A., he was educated at Lane High School and the University of Virginia, receiving an M.S. in Economics from the latter in 1937. He is married to the former Ruth C. Newman of Kingston, R.

and has two daughters, Ruth Carolyn and Elizabeth Michie, both of whom attend St. Anne's School. He was President of the Peyton Motor Company, from 1939 to 1951, and was Captain of the ALbemarle County Militia from 1944 to 1946. and an Air Spotter Corps instructor from 1942 to 1945, He is secretary of the Farmington Hunt Club and a member of the Colonnade Club and the Charlottesville Stamp Club. Burma-China Border Dispute To Be Aired RANGOON, Burma UP Burmese officials say Chou En Communist Chinese premier-foreign minister, is coming to Ranin December to discuss the goon dispute over the poorly defined Burma China border.

The officials said Chou's acceptance of the Burmese government's invitation for negotiations had increased prospects of a peaceful settleI ment. Albemarle County Grows 'Em Bia! B.F. Goodrich IRES ON IME AS LOW AS 100 DOWN and your old tire Charlottesville Tire Service 615 E. Main Phone 2-9246 B.E.Goodrich FIRST IN RUBBER County Division Chest Chairman Briefs SCATTERED SHOWERS will be fair and humid tonight and Thursday, with scattered afternoon or evening showers, according to the weather forecast. Low temperatures tonight will be from 60 to 68 degrees in the west and a little higher in the east.

The temperature here at 9 a.m. today was 78 degrees. No rain fell yesterday. Maximum temperature was 95 and minimum was 69. FIVE-DAY FORECAST Virginia forecast Aug.

30-Sept. Temperatures will average 3-5 degrees above normal. Cooler over weekend, somewhat warmer Monday. Thundershowers Thursday and Friday, totaling one half to one inch. SCHOOL REGISTRATION Children entering school for the first time may register at Greenwood School, Friday from 9 a.m.

to 3 p.m. Group Events TONIGHT: The Royal Neighbors of America, Camp 7838, annual picnic, McIntire shelter, 5:30 p.m. to Park, picnic, those who don't have transportation meet in Lee Park at 5:30 p.m. University Baptist Church, midweek service, 7:30 p.m.; Deacon's meeting 8:15 p.m. Belmont Baptist Church, Sunday school officers and teachers supper meeting, 6:15 p.m., followed by prayer service at 8 p.m.

TOMORROW: Crozet Water Committee, Crozet Insurance Building, 8 p.m.; discussion of legislative aids to solving water problem and of routine mat- 4-H Members Begin Registering For Meet RICHMOND (P)- -Four-H Club members from 65 Virginia counties today began registering here for the annual state 4-H electric congress. The congress represents the climax of a year's activities of a program conducted by the Virginia Agricultural Extension Service and co-sponsored the Westinghouse Educational Foundation and a number of electric power supliers. A social hour is planned tonight with formal sessions beginning tomorrow. The congress ends Friday. Parke C.

Brinkley, state commissioner of agriculture will speak at the concluding luncheon session. The state electrical project winner will get a trip to the national 4-H Club Congress in Chicago in November. A plaque also will go to the county judged to have the most outstanding electric exhibit. Orange Road Paving Contract Is Awarded A. B.

Torrence and Company, of Elkton, has been awarded a 588 contract for the grading, draining and paving of 2.36 miles of Rt. 20 from Orange toward Unionville, the State Highway Department announced yesterday. French Claim Troops Kill At Least 13 Rebels ALGIERS (P) The French claimed their troops killed at 13 rebels yesterday in scatleast, clashes in Algeria. Nationalist grenade attacks on cafes, a train derailment and an attack on an Algiers police station took the lives of 3 persons and wounded 29 others. Council Of Churches Meet On Evangelism RICHMOND (P) The Virginia Council of Churches' department of evangelism will hold area conferences evangelism here, in Roanoke and Norfolk next month.

The first conference will be held in Norfolk Sept. 10, in Richmond the foliowing day and will conclude in Roanoke. Movie Time Table WEDNESDAY, AUG. 29, 1956 PARAMOUNT: "Moby Dick." 12:46, 2:51, 4:59, 7:07, 9:15 JEFFERSON: "Davy Crockett River Pirates." 12:55, 3:09, 5:23, 7:37, 9:51 LAFAYETTE: "Three Bad Sisters." 2:22, 5:04, 7:46, 10:28 and 12:54, 3:36, 6:18, 9:00 UNIVERSITY: "A Guy Named Joe." 2:15, 4:30, 6:32, 9:00 Superior Ambulance Service Preddy's Funeral Home Phone 2-7546 909 West Main St. are part of the new housing law," the concluded.

"But, of course, the law does not automatically solve -finance problems. Money lenders determine how they use their funds and on what terms they will make loans. And in today's highly competitive loan market, lenders are showing greater selectivity in the choice of loan applications." Lift Restrictions On Negro Golfers, Portsmouth Told NORFOLK. (P) Judge Walter E. Hoffman in U.S.

District Court day granted a temporary" injunetion opening the Portsmouth city park golf course to free and unrestricted use by Negroes. Hoffman indicated a permanent injunction will follow. The course has been open to Negroes only on Fridays. The request the injunction was filed in federal court Aug. 5 by a Negro attorney, Mrs.

Yolande Chambers. She represented three Portsmouth Negroes who said they had been refused admission to the course on a Tuesday and on a Sunday. At the start of today's hearing, Hoffman: said there were two major issues involved: (1) Does the City of Portsmouth operate the golf course? (2) Are Negroes refused admission solely on the basis of race? Portsmouth City Attorney R. C. Barciay admitted that the city operates the course and that Negroes are allowed admission only on Fridays.

If those are the facts, Hoffman said, the law left him no alternative but to open the course. He referred to various court decisions, including the 'supreme court school decision and the Seashore State Park case. Observing that federal decisions had established a pattern that ruled out segregated facilities, Hoffman said: "That's the law, I don't make the law but that's going to be the law in this court until it's repealed. Greene Takes No Action On Negro School Bids STANARDSVILLE- The Greene County School Board met yesterday for further study of bids submitted Aug. 20 on construction of a four-classroom consolidated elementary school for Negroes, but no action was taken.

The matter of awarding a contract will probably come up again at the regular meeting of the Greene School Board, the second week in September. The amounts of the bids received Aug. 20 have not been announced. New Stony Point School Pupils Register Friday Parents of children in the Stony Point Elementary School district are invited to bring prospective first-graders to the school Friday. The children's sixth birthdays must fall on or before Oct.

7 in order for them to be eligible. Birth certificates should be brought to the school. EXCLUSIVE DISTRIBUTORS All-Steel Equipment -Files Royal Typewriters Standard -Electric Victor Adding Machines -Electric DOMINION SERVICES, INC. 115-4th St. E.

Phone 2-8786 Your Royal Elbert Shifflett failed to appear in Albemarle County Court this morning to answer charges of bedrunk and disorderly. He will still have to make the trip from Alexandria, however, because he was ordered to serve a ten-day term in the county jail. Shifflett, who makes his home in Alexandria, was arrested here Thursday by Deputy Sheriff F. L. Frazier for being drunk and disorderly in a.

public place. Shifflett did not show up for his hearing this morning, and he was fined $15 and given a ten-day jail term when he was tried in his abence. Today's heavy docket included a drunk driving conviction and two for reckless driving. Many of the cases, most of them minor traffic violations, were scheduled for trial this afternoon. Robert Willson, of Keene, was fined $100, given a 30-day suspended jail term and lost his license for a year on the drunk driving conviction.

He was arrested Aug. 21 by Frazier. Alvin Sylvester Shelton, of Lynchburg, paid a $25 fine and lost his permit for 20 days for reckless driving. He also received a suspended $10 tine for failing to have his registration card. He was arrested Sunday by State Trooper C.

C. Cain. A fine of $20 was imposed on Blanche Elizabeth Holliday, of Gordonsville, who was charged by Cain following an accident July 24. MICHIE PEYTON of Albemarle County, above, is shown CLAY through county cards at the Community Chest office in Chargoing lottesville. Peyton has accepted the post as head of the County Diviof the Charlottesville and Albemarle Community Chest for its sion October fund-raising campaign.

-Progress photo by Kent. Deaths and Funerals ROBERT L. MARTIN Robert Lee Martin, 87, retired assistant postmaster at Faber, died at 10:10 p.m. yesterday after an extended illness. He was born Aug.

23, 1869, at Faber, the son of the late Hudson and Mary E. Rhodes Martin. His wife, the former Miss Lucy Jane Pitzer, of Nelson County, died Oct. 7, 1947. He leaves a son, Dr.

Robert F. Martin, of Savannah, two daughters, Mrs. Earl Hewitt, of New Orleans, and Mrs. Herbert Feagan, of Temple City, a brother, Charles T. Martin, of Greenfield; two sisters, Mrs.

Willie Wheeler, of Harrisonburg, and Miss Sally E. Martin, of Washington, D.C.; and eight grandchildren. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Friday from the Rock Spring Methodist Church at Faber, with burial in the church cemetery. DEATH OF INFANT Gary Wayne Martin, infant son of Randolph E.

and Delphine Bethel Martin, of Free Union, died last night at a local hospital. Graveside services will be held 2 p.m. Thursday at the Free at Union Baptist Church Cemetery. MRS. ROBERT E.

LOHR STANARDSVILLE Funeral services for Mrs. Mary Virginia Lohr, of Hood, who died early yesterday morning from injuries received in an automobile accident several hours earlier on Route 230 Madison County, will be held in ACC Hears Coker Eligibility Appeal GREENSBORO, N.C., (P)- The Atlantic Coast Conference executive committee was called to meet today to hear an appeal from a ruling by ACC Commissioner Jim Weaver declaring Don ineligible for athletics at Coker North Carolina. Coker, a former star fullback at Reidsville High, appealed Weaver's decree. Regarded as a prize backfield candidate, Coker had attracted 47 scholarship offers. Weaver made his ruling after investigating a charge that two North Carolina alumni gave Coker a summer membership at Reidsville Country Club, In his appeal, Coker claims the membership was given after he announced he was going to North Carolina.

The boy's father, W. M. Coker, said: "Don accepted the Carolina scholarship six weeks before the country club summer membership was given and in no way was it an inducement to make him decide to go to Carolina." A three-man panel was to cide Coker's athletic future. FoR SALE ON OUR FINE HOMES YOU CAN'T 60 WIZONG COME OUT AND BIZING THE KIPS ALONG For Your Real Estate Needs Contact ROY WHEELER Realty Company "We have it, can get it, or it can't be had Dial 2-8131 Evenings 2-5906 or 3-2411 at 11 a.m. Thursday from Hebron Lutheran Church at Madison.

Interment will be in the church cemetery. The Rev. F. A. Graves and the Rev.

James L. Fleet will officiate. Mrs. Lohr was born May 12, 1893, in Madison County, the daughter of the late George M. and Conora Lohr Clore.

She leaves her husband, Robert Emmett Lohr, of Hood; two daughMrs. Turner A. Graves of ters, Syria, and Mrs. Harry E. Lee, of Charlottesville; three brothers, Reginald R.

Clore, of Madison, Thomas Culton Clore, of Novum, and Philip F. Clore, of Silver Spring, seven sisters, Mrs. A. G. Vernon, of Madison, Mrs.

Robert L. Broyles. of Reva, Mrs. Lillian C. Hitt, of Leon, Mrs.

Clint Robertson, of Lorraine, Ohio, Mrs. Dorsey Eggleston, of Alton, Mrs. Lester Quesenberry, of Pulaski, and Mrs. Clifford Yancey, of Culpeper; and three grandchildren. Board Postpones Decision On Site For New School ORANGE The School Board of Orange County spent four hours in a special session to decide on 8.

site for the Unionville School yesterday, but postponed a decision until the regular meeting next, month. The School Board visited ten sites. yesterday but arrived at no decision. The next regular meeting is Sept. 10 and their final decision must be ratified by the Board of Supervisors, which meets Sept.

11. The supervisors are pondering; the possibility of 8. bond issue to finance the new school, estimated. to cost about $400,000. Another $250,000 in bonds might be issued at the same time to pay off Literary Fund loans, if a better: interest rate could be obtained than the three per cent charged by the Literary Fund.

As a hedge against failure of referendum approval of the bond issue, Orange officials are considering an application to the Literary Fund for a loan to finance the Unionville School. To make this application, plans must be submitted and a site must be definitely selected. Stevens-Shepherd Co. PREP SHOP NOW OPEN Complete assortment of clothing and furnishings FOR BOYS of HIGH SCHOOL, AG1601 University Ar nue live better TODAY the PIEDMONT way show wise families know it! Those who use their good credit to gain what they want are those who live best. get ahead by using your credit as the key to better living.

We'll gladly show you how. I Fo Piedmont riendly FINANCE 207 WEST MAIN Claude Kersey, Mgr. Phone 1-6188.

The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2025)
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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

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Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.