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- Publication:
- The Republicani
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- Springfield, Massachusetts
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A 2 SPRINGIELD BICKNELLWILL PROVISION CO ATTORNEY IN SEEKS CUT IN REIGHT COST LONGMEADOW MAN HELD OR the United MOOSE SHOW TRIAL ON 14TH ENGINEERS TO CITY AWAITS ARMY PLANES COMING HERE No TWO NEW AIR LIQUOR DEALER SERVICES OR LOCAL IELD WALLEY EAMES The identity of the thief is BEBNAKD CALLAGHAN will THE WEATHER JUNIOR NEWS MEMBERSHIP BLANK Name Street 'City or Towe Date of Birth SflOMAS SAMPSON 738 State SU Tel ruin horses bershin were made Octo entertainer Buddy is only 10 Old but is oneof the most ver of artists and his singing and charge of a former Zaccaria this citv will be recalled Russian pianist Joe Roman and performing or commit headed Murray Order of Alelha temple on closing coming To date the were barricaded room steel large light vices Burial in St cemetery will Hotel 'Kimball prion' to the Paul Nqffke will offer' en evening he has made it amusing for audiences Stolen a burlesque that introduces many Holly Invatid Ambulance Si hour Service BE ANNOUNCED ON WEDNESDAY Wanted in Revere on a larceny of $238986 from business associate Michael 27 of 91 Aloorfeland street who is listed in the citv directory as a real estate operator was talten into custody shortly before 10 this morning by Sergts 'Haymond Gallagher and John Cleary of the detective bureau on a warrant issued by the district court of Chelsea 11 Little is known here of the nature of the case but police said it involved the theft of money from Joseph Spen ela of 'Revere as the result of a busi ness enterprise in that city The de fendant and the complainant are said to have conducted store in Revere and the loss of the money was de clared to have been discoveerd after the dissolution of the partnership Zac caria will beturned over to the Re vere police Gerard VanDeene with the house at 55 Elm street occupied by Dennie Maranville taking up a portion of the lot at present i Suggestion has' been mrde that the present Elm garage might' be convert ed into a postoffice building The lot now occupied by the garage has a frontage of 49 feet on Elm street and 122 feet on Westfield street for a total area of 5300 square feet It is owned by the Reserve Realty company inc of which Walter Barr is a stock holder The land just north of the ga rage which is also considered as a possible site is owned by John and Emihe Otto of 2tlvElm street It con sists of an area of nearly an acre with a frontage of 235 feet on Elm street and 197 feet on Mosher street The Springfield Kennel club meet tonight at the for its Hast meeting Springfield dog show well known magician during th Sergt'John Cleary ot the detective bureau is today trying to unravel the mystery concerning the disappearance of $500 in cash from the apartment of Peter Poulos at 103 Belle avenue while Poulos and members ofhis family were attending church services yes terday not yet known to the police and no trace of the missing money has been found 1 Poulos and his brother in law Eth a n' Sturjius are the and pop men" at League park land have been carrying on their refreshment business at the Eastern States rink during the hockey game playoffs The money part of which represented the re ceipts of Saturday night's game had been placed in two cigar boxes and left in a traveling bag In the absence of Poulos and other members of his family the apartment was entered and the money taken from the bag Hitch Hiking Dancing Girl alls Asleep In Auto After Long Trip Here rom Newark Earl Bernard Callaghan assistant telegraph editor of The Springfield Daily News and son of John Callaghan editor of The Daily News died yesterday after a long illness Mr Callaghan who had a wide circle of friends through his connection with The Daily News and Springfield Re publican as political writer sport writer and editorial writer was born at Holyoke the son of John and Helena (MacMahon) Callaghan While he was still a child the family to help Lee celebrate were on banjos and guitars raiders called so uncere Two quarts of gin vyere a news reel Memorial Service Wednesday Night Wednesday night a memorial serv ice will be held in the church in hon or of those members of the conference who died during the year Bishop William vAnderson will preside and will celebrate communion assisted by the district superintendents and pas tors Mayor Dwight Winter will wel come the conference nt the formal opening Thursday morning Bishop Anderson will preside at this session and throughout the conference week Bishop McDowell presided at the con ference a year ago Rev Dr George Martin pastor of Wesley church said today that rep resentatives of all the church organ izations are expected at the confer ence There will be a large display of books and other publications Rev Dr George Spencer will be on hand with an exhibit from the Massachusetts Bible society and Har ry Keiser will attend as represen tative of the Methodist Book concern George Whittaker will represent The Zion's Herald the official organ of Methodism most outstanding minstrel shows given in Springfield this season Proceeds froftt the enter tainment will be used' for the benefit of unemployed Clansmen and David Brass chairman of the committee in charge reports advance ticket sales that indicate a capacity audience will be on hand Stanley McClenaghan organizer and director of the show will be inter locutor The list of specialties an nounced includes some of the best talent in this city the outstanding at traction being Buddy Hall well known local years satile A riotously merry? comedy vehicle that leaves one his aching sides wilt be found in Million Warner Brothers' all col or fun fest now showing at the Cap itol theater The well known team Olsen and Johnspn an tic 'their way through a series of adventures with the high pitched cackling laugh of the one so infectious that the audi ence responds to it while the more soberand doubtful other member of the team also stirs the risibles to a marked degree There is little to the plot of this pic ture dealing with the adventures of a young American' who falls violently in love with a pretty girl and makes up his mind to win her and the equal ly wild adventures of the two nut de tectives who are put on his trail to see that he lives up to the terms of a wager had made with a friend that without money he would be able to make good in Gay Paree and win the girl But plot is really a matter of minor importance in this screen offering Million rench is an easy cure for the blues The associate feature of the week is Bad with Walter Huston in the role of the lovable bandit cho a smiling killer but a good friend to those for whom he has some affection Huston does a good bit in this role but it is hardly up to his mark in earlier pictures He hard ly makes the character credible al though Capitol "The feature wood stars briefly is being shown this week Short subjects' and complete the program Tired and weary after "hitch hik ing" from Newark Miss Bar bara At Pasquale 19 of Newark who says she is a dancing instructor fell asleep in the rear seat of an auto mobile the driver of which had given her a lift from Thompsonville Ct to this city today Not knowing what to do with the sleeping girl upon his ar riva here the motorist drew up to the curbing beside Patrolman Leonard Dorsey on Columbus avenue and turned her over to him Barbara was brought to police head quarters by Officer Dorsey and turned over to Policewoman Mary Lathrop for questioning She said she had been engaged on a percentage basis in a 35 300 16 Newark dance hall until she tired of her work and decided to see some of the country She stated that the nail room operators charged 10 cents a dance and that she received 4 cents of each 10 cents for each boy she danced wjth Her occupation could not have been very remunerative it would appear as she had only 7 cents ni money when searched Acting upon orders of Capt of De tectives Daniel TV McCarthy Barbara was booked on a technical charge of vagrancy She pleaded not guilty when arraigned in district court later in the day and her case was continued to the 13th for hearing to give the po ice and court an opportunity to look her up LIGHT SENTENCE MAY BE GIVEN CLAN MURRAY TO GIVE MINSTREL HOW POSSIBLE SITES OR NEW POSTOICE WATERS RECEDE IN CONNECTICUT RISE IN AGAWAM Mr Taylor has been a of local presenfations for 11 years Included in this Somewhere Over rame and a medley group for the Kerr Jr James James SPRINGIELD MAN WEDS DALTON GIRL WEIINICK NOT THE OWNER Wernick reported as the propri etor of the pool room and bowling al leys in the Broadway building at the corner of Broadway and Bridge streets which were damaged in a fire yesterday noon said today that he was no longer the operator of this establishment having disposed Tf the place 10 months ago DEMOCRATS TO HOLD SIXTH WHIST PARTY 56 2995 43 does not represent any of alleged holdup men Morris of 80 Narragansett street Sutterlin 23 a soldier at States armory here and David Adler 36 of Hartford Ct who are awaiting trial in district court on charges of assault with intent to rob and assault and robbery while armed It was incorrectly reported in con nection with an account of the ar raignment of the trio last Thursday that the assistant district attorney to gether with Atty Charles Poirier ap peared for the defendants As a mat ter of fact Atty Granfield did not ap pear in the case at any time although Atty Poirier was one of the defense counsel Atty Louis Henin is 'As sociated with Atty Poirier in the de fense of the 'trio Dist Atty John Granfield the trio oi Suntup $9 MERRY COMEDY ON CAPITOL SCREEN Springfield has only a welcome for the big army air demonstration which is expected in this city Sunday May 24 and the following two days At least unlike Boston and some of the other municipalities scheduled to play host to the government aerators there have been no complaints relative to the airplane maneuvers received here Maj rederick Hillman executive secretary of the Springfield Chamber of Commerce which is cooperating with the war department authorities in making arrangements for the big air event said today that there has not been a single complaint reach him relative to the demonstration Airport officials report the same lack of ad verse 4sentimenL Prevalent feeling expressed through out the city relative to the arniy ma neuvers is that of anticipation With expectancy the city and 'suburbs await the show that will bring the largest number of planes ever to visit West ern Massachusetts including more than 400 to Bowles airport and 45 transport ships to the Springfield air port Sentiment in the town of Aga wam' which contains the Bowles field is understood to be favorable to the event Boston complaints seemed? to be chiefly those of folks who objected to thanoiseof the 'many' airplane motors' over the city although army officials have explained that the pilots would keep at sufficient bights there to make the least Charged with operating so as to endanger the lives and safety of the public and going' away after an ac cident without making himself known Albert LaBonte 43 of Warren ter race Longmeadow who was captured by Motorcycle Officer John Saturday night after a thrilling chase starting with an accident at Tine Point and ending with the arrest in a swamp oft' Bosjon road near Parker street pleaded not guilty when ar raigned in district court this morn ing Trial was set for the 11th Two automobiles were damaged by the LaBonte machine the first crash occurring at Pine Point and the sec ond at Boston road and Parker street LaBonte was said to have been travel ing at about a mile a minute jffip at the time of the second accident Of ficer drew his gun twice dur ing the course of the pursuit but hesitated to discharge it because of the heavy flow of traffic Leo AIc Groty of 929 Liberty street was the owner of the first machine which the LaBonte car came in contact with and the second machine was owned by Ellsworth Dustin of 87 Springfield street Palmer Joseph Truck of Palmer a passenger in the Dustin car sustained an injury to his leg as the result of the smash About 500 feet east of where this collision occurred LaBonte came to a stop abandoned his machine and fled into the swamp where the officer captured him West Springfield April 6 With the agitation started for a central location for the proposed $100000 postoffice for West Springfield residents of Wigtown are giving thought to available Bites near the center of the town i might be used for the erection of the government building Those most interested in a more central loca tion for the building than the present one feel that it should be on Elm street in the vicinity of Westfield street where much of the town's busi ness centers at present There are two locations in this vi cinity which would probably be of suf ficient size for a postoffice Both are located on the West side of Elm street one being the vUcant lot just south of the West Springfield Trust com pany building and the other the land adjacent to the Elm garage The Jot near the bank building has a frontage of 96 feet on Elm street and 100 feet on Central street with a total area of700 square feet It is owned by EARL CALLAGHAN DAILY NEWS DIES will'nlav for the which will follow the RUSSELL UNERAL HOM 933 STATE STREHT Telephone 3 2669 845 SnrlnefleM Mm The minstrel show and dance being presented by Clan Scottish Clans in Saturday evening gives promise of being one or the Miss Charlotte Dowey John Jarvic and Alex ARRESTED HERE OR POLICE REVERE The Loyal order of Moose tee on general arrangements by Mayor Winter as honorary chair man today announced that Jack Taylor has been appointed chairman Mr Taylsr city me Iree of These Blanks Entitle' Bo ya and Girls to Membership i z'ta Junior Daily News Toung Writers' (Sub and Pie Much of the tang and color of old time vaudeville days when Walley Eames and tenor soloist and has Pennsylvanians chestra appear on the all star head liner vaudeville program at the Moose Unemployment Benefit in the Audi torium Monday afternoon and eve ning the i 20th Mayor Dwight Winter and members of the special unemployment committee are super vising financial matters and all pro ceeds will be applied to 'the city job less fund The committee on ticket sale and publicity headed by Walter Leary reports 'lively interest in the first demand for seats on main floor and balqany for both afternoon and evening perform ances te New York April The Springfield Prox ision company of Springfield Mass is among nine packing com panies that today asked freight re bates in excess of $25000 from the Chicago Rock Island and Pacific Railway company and nine other railroads at a hearing here before the Interstate Commerce commission The complainants claimed that the railroads routed live hog shipments from Valley Junction Iowa to Chi cago and eastern points in such a manner that excessive rates charged The shipments were between ebruary 15 1927 and ber 31 1J2S The complainants besides Springfield Provision company Swift North Packing Provi sion company of East Cambridge Mass White Tavey Dexter com pany of Worcester Mass Sperry Barnes company of New Haven Ct John Squire Co of East Cam bridge Mass and Van Wagenen Schickhaus company and Bimbler of Newark Besides the Chicago and Rock Island Pacific railway the defendants included: Indiana Harbor Belt New Central Boston Albany NewYork New Haven Hartford Boston Maine New York Chicago St Louis Erie Pennsylvania and the Delaware Lackawanna Western railroads Miss Rase A Hayers of Thompsons street became the bride of George Belair of Grenada terrace at cere mony which took place this morning in Holy amily church Rev Cornelius Sullivan officiated Mrs Ludia I Havens sister of the bridegroom was matron of honor and the best man was This afternoon Mr and Mrs Belair left for an automobile trip for Maine and Boston and will visit Mr Belair's home in Tilton on the return journey They will live at 50 Grenada terrace on their return SERGT CLEARY HAS TASK SOLVING POULOS ROBBERY CARD TIIANKS We wish to thank our relatives friends and neighbors also the Asbury Methodist church and the receiving department of A Snaldingr Brothers for their kindness and beautiful flowers in our late bereave ment MRS GEORGE ENOS an amily The sixth of a series of whist and bridge parties held by the Ward 8 Democratic city committee will be held at the home of 'Mrs rank Stebbins 74 Waldorf street Tuesday the 14th at 8 City officials including Aiderman Walter Kenefick will attend As this is entirely? a social affair it is open to all Six prizes tg "twill be awarded with first and second in whiet first and second in bridge and two consolations Mrs Stebbins is in 'charge of the tables with the expectation of 10 or more will be in The patroness list for the "Adven tures of Prince extraordi nary silhouet picture being'shown on riday night April 10 at the Audi torium is rapidly filling The names of those socially prominent who have already subscribed ae announced as follows: Mrs Hurlburt Allis Mrs Bemis Mrs Charles Beck with Mrs Becraft Mill Rebecea Birnie Mrs A Carter Mrs Clark Mrs red Carlisle Mrs John Collins Mrs Remington Clark Mrs red rass Mrs Theodore Ellis Mrs Day Mrs isher Mrs uller Mrs James Hale Mrs Holmes Mrs CharlesR Chapin Mrs Lawrence Chapin Mrs Clifton Crocker Miss Eliza beth Crocker Mrs Robert Stebbins Mrs Elliot Wight Mrs Percy Dorr Mrs Horace Mases Miss lorence Pingnam 'Mrs Thomas Mrs Lewis Tifft Mrs Constance South worth: Mrs ordis Parker Miss Dorothy Kirkham William Kirkham Mrs George iS Sabin Mrs Dan Loomis Mrs George erguson Sirs Arthur Dutton Miss Ellen Gould Miss Mary Clark Reports have come from other cities in regard to the film composed entirely of silhouets and without ex ception the most artistic thing of its kind every produced The sllhouets are not of actual persons but those made by the use of scissors and ex ecuted by thousands of this art The Springfield showing of the film is un der the sponsorship of the Motion Picture council The picture was shown by the Junior league in New and the department of fine arts of Harvard university showed the film to one of the most distinguished audiences of recent years in the lec ture hall of the ogg Museum of ine Arts The management of that en gagement wap' under the direction of Miss Lydia LeBaron Walker Jr who is here with the present engagement with headquarters at Steinert Sons where the advance ticket sale is being held The best locations are' rapidly being chosen so that it is ad visable for those desiring to see the film to secure reservations without delay This may be done in person or by 'phoneing 4 7381 Ask for Miss Walker or Mrs Thomas Jackson of city who is assisting her The oriental fantasy of Ad ventures of Prince has a tale to tell but the modee is what most engages the attention and for this reason children not old enough to thoroughly absorb the Arabian Nights story that threads its way through it are no less intrigued by thj pictures of enchanted palaces rising in midair wicked creatures of no known country flying horses that mount the clouds and the peculiar powers of transportation Inherent in Lamp claimed: by the prince after a perilous descent to a cave The film is being praised alike by those of the theater and those of the art world and is of such caliber as to merit its being recommended by persons in authority in the Spring field public schools Any whose curi osity has been aroused and wish to know more of the event are at liber ty to examine the portfolio of 30 sil liouets from the film which Is at the Steinert office A limited number are on sale and will also be available at the showing Gauge At Memorial Bridge Showed 10 eet At 6 Last Night Assistant District Attorney Had No Connection With Trio In District Court Barbara Pasquale Tells Police She Became Tired of Entertaining Partners at our Cents a Number Held On Technical Charge of Vagrancy All That Remains Is Their of mal Acceptance of Dam Inspection Job Russian Pianist and Soloist On Program Also 'Joe Rp: Pennsylvanians 1 4 Assistant Telegraph Editor Was i Widely Acquainted In City uneral Wednesday Springfield Airport to Have Gagnon and Baltrum Planes for Passengers ined4 Sentenced to Jail and Jhen Case Is Put Over for Disposition' Complaints Heard Against Big Demonstration of Next Month Says Gambling Raid Disclosed Violation of ire Preven tion Law MOVE AGAINST BUILDING OWNER Additional aviation "service and activity is promised Springfield for the coming season with the announce ment today of the establishment of two additional flying services at the the dancing Is sure to be well received Specialty dancing makes up the greater part of the program for in addition to Buddy Hall there will be Dot and Dons tap dancers Miss Gloria J3romley roller skate dancer and Bert Lowe step dancer The others include Mrs aith Cameron and John Hastiem soloists and David Murdock elocutionist Miss Grace McKee will presideat the piano and the "end will'bf Mrs John Anderson Donaldson Allan Remy's Revellers general dancm minstrel show Special significance is attached to thejcoinmg New England Methodist Episcopal conference from the fact thatit marks the 100th anniversary of the first Methodist conference hold in this city It is just 100 years since theiMethodists bf the New England area met in the old Asbury irst church in this city The annual con ference this year will open formally on Thursday morning but there will be ah large preliminary gathering Wednesday evening The sessions willbe hpld in Wesley church It is the expectation that there will be an especially large attendance of the pas tors delegates and members of the conference Members of the board of examiners will begin to arrive early in the vxAeek preparatory for a session at 10 Wednesday morning The board will meet a large class of candidates for and orders and will confer with those who have been tak ing the courses of study for the ministry The board willihold other meetings as may be necessary in preparation for action by the confer ence on the applications of tho candi dates Hockey Rink Soda Man Loses i $500 At Home While Attending Church MissMargaret Ann Briphy of Dal ton became the bride of red Eugene Allen of Ashley street this city this morning at a ceremony in St church Dalton Rev Daniel Hennessey officiating John Jergenson of Chic opee alls was best man On their return from a wedding trip to Portland Me Mr and Mrs Allen will liv'e' on" Ashley street This city The bride was graduated from'St Jos eph's hospital in New York city Mr A ien is employed by the Griffin Signcompany of this city Among: the local people at the vedding were Mr and Mrs O'Mrien Air and Mrs 11 Whalen and Air Airs O'Brien of this city The Connecticut river is receding slightly after having apparently a reached its crest of 10 feet at 6 last night The gauge today at the Ate mortal bridge stood nt tho 99 foot mark with Indications that the river is going down slightly On Saturday night tie river Was at the nine foot mark a Thawing conditions prevail over the Connecticut river watershed and this w'ith the recent heavy rains is con tributing to send tire water down in great volume Much has" been im pounded in the storage basins of the Turners alls Power Electric com pany but there is an abundance flow Ing over the dams below the power works A somewhat different condition is noted on the Agawam river where freshets have caused the stream to overflow its banks" The water was setting back" in the meadows today while the Connecticut river was well toward the top of the bhnk at the meadows It has not yet been necessary to start the pumps in at Brightwood and will not be unless the Connecticut rises to the mark of 11 or 12 feet above mean low water At the request of "Atty Charles 4 Ryan' chairman of the Democratic city committee a joint meeting of the Ward 8 princinct committee and the officers of the precinct committee has been called for Wednes day night at 8 at the home of Garret McCarthy 21 ATola street Air Ryan desires a full attendance as he has matters of importance to disclose HOLD UP CASE Springfield airport' These are Gagnon lying Service formerly of Lowell and Operator Joseph Baitrun formerly of Northampton The Gagnon company headed by Joseph Gagnon of Lowell assisted by his partner Oliver Perron of the same city and Pilot Alfred Desjardin of Worcester give all kinds of air service including pas senger hops cross country flying and aerial photography At present the outfit operates one Standard five place biplanepowered with a Wright Whirl wind motor Gagnon announced today that an additional plane would prob ably be added ho company this week Offices will be established at the Springfield airport Gagnon has been in the aviation business for three years having operated before in his home city of Lowell The service carried more than 5000 passengers last year Baitrun who operated out of North ampton last year has announced his intentions of establishing at the Springfield airport for the coming sea son His plane nd hangar were de stroyed by fire at Northampton last year He now owns a Standard Train er ship which he uses for student in struction and cross country work more ncn were closely huddled to gether around a large table more than 12 feel in length which served as a surface for dice The table with high flashboards rubbered edges and green cloth aljpwed ample room for a Jan number of meq to encircle the table and The players seized the money on the table although the major part of Lt eventually xfound its way into the hands of Sergt Blodgett The arrest ing officers seized in addition to the table a large radio cne large poker table couple of desks four or five small: tables believed used to place bets on horses four private line tele phones used only to make bets on various nan toons and mem books and 25 chairs oOQ Names Listed The building has Peen ransacked many times before by police for both liquor and gambling paraphernalia Only regularly enroled members of the Liberty social club were to participate in the 'gambling club's ac tivities it was learned from the con tents of the membership book seized Afore than 500 names were listed The room was well decorated Lights with green shades hung from the ceil ing above the one time pool table Police stated that the place is the only one of its kind in the city where the stakes and are of conse quence Hundreds of dollars are "re ported won andHost during the progress of a game it is said with the maximum of one nigdit purported to be $10000 Entrance to the room can be gained only by elevator A Those who figured in the raid be sides Capt Bicknell and Lieut Blodg ett were Sergt Runnells and Officers Carl Rolf Webster Tourtellote Russell and Smith of staging the offering is now in New YorK vaudeville bookings for local Auditorium attraction the two headliner stage companies of AValley Eames with Ivanoff A'ar Vara and Joe Roman and his per forming orchestra have given definite assurance of contributing to the draw ing attraction of the charity offering Both of these vaudeville acts are well known favorites on 'Keith Albee vaudeville circuits throughout the xcountry and each has been an out standing number on "big thea ter boards and programs Jack Taylor is believed 'well quali fied to produce a variety show of high merit through his many ex perience on the legitimate and vaude ville years ago he entered song and dance sketches in Philadelphia and since he has been successfully" engaged with various repertory' companies and feature mu Sica I comedies producer the past list are "Picture Hotel Kimball radio exposition all of recent date OICERS NOMINATED AT A MEETING Announcement of the names of the three engineers chosen to make an in spection of the Cobble Mountain dam expected to satisfy everyone will be made at the weekly meeting of the county commissioners Wednesday The board expects that by that time acceptance of the tender made to the engineers decided upon of the job will have been received by the cofmisston ers Until then it is not deemed prop er to make an announcement of the choice agreed upon by the citi Springfield and Westfield and tho county of Hampden Chairman Edward Stapleton an nounced this morning that all that re mains is for the three engineers chos en to send their acceptance of the job and the inspection will be made The county board is confident that it will prove that the dam has been perfect ly built and that the contractors have followed specifications to the letter The county board has always felt thy way about the contract that is being done for the citv of water department but in order to re lieve any anxiety felt in the citv of West field and other places it hds been decided to have an inspection made by a committee of engineers chosen by the two cities and countv Last Wednesday a three cornered conference was held and choice made Expense will be borne by the county for the work of the engineers rom time to time reports ha been re ceived by the county board by Its own engineer James Tighe of Holvrke all of which have been to the effect that" the dam is being properly con structed and that excellent progress is being made PATRONESS LIST OR THE PRINCE WARD 8 DEMOCRATS TO MEET WEDNESDAY After a trial in district court today Judge Ralph Spooner found Thom as Gota 35 of 41 erry street guilty of selling and keeping liquor for which he was arrested in a raid on his premises the night of Alarch 28 by Capt George AV Bicknell Lieut Har ley Blodgett and Patrolmen? Carl Rolf and Stephen AVebster of the vice squad Because of his previous court record Judge Spooner imposed a fine of $100 and a direct sentence ot three months in 'the house of cor rection on eacli count from which an appeal was taken by counsel Atty John Aladden Later how ever the appeal was withdrawn the penalties revoked and the case con tinued a week for disposition 'This was done after Atty Aladden had ar gued with the court for a modifiedpenalty It was indicated that lesser fines and suspended sentences will be imposed next week Picas of not guilty were entered by Eugene Lee 39 of 237 Sharon street charged with selling and keeping liquor and his wife Mrs Lucille Lee 23 charged with selling liquor Their cases were continued to the 15th for trial Capt Bicknell Sergt rederick Runnells and Patrolman Ernest Tourtellotte arrested them Saturday night during the liight of a birthday party in celebration of 39th birthday riends who had been in vited to help Lee celebrate strumming when the moniously RnbAil Because he in ill health and be cause his has just returned home from the hospital "Judge Spooner acted on the recommendation of Capt Bicknell and Chief Probation Officer Bernard Smyth and placed Arnold AVanat 18 of 511 Newbury street on probation for sell ing and keeping liquor The court ac cepted a Tlea of nolo contendere Pa trolmen Rolf and Edward Smith of the vice squad made the arrest yesterday afternoon lorence Robinson 27 of 678 Dwight strpet was fined $20 on a lewdriess charge' and an additional complaint charging her with a crime against chastity was filed away Airs Margaret Evans 21 of 992 Alam street also charged with lewdness was given a suspended sentence of three months in the house of correc tion Capt Bicknell and 'Patrolmen Webster and Smith took the couple into custody last week Capt Geoige AV triumph over the lavish gambling establish ment in the "Hale building at 13 Steams square early re sulting in the roundup of 22 men brought about fines aggregating $265 ivnen the defendants came before Judge Ralph Spooner in district court this morning Immediately aftr" the court ar raisnments Capt Bicknell announced that he intends to proceed criminally owners of the Hale build ing under the fire prevention law us the raiding officers encountered a heavy barricaded reinforced steel door between the and sixth floors In the rear of the building which would prevent firemen from entering from that part of the premises in the event of a fire The captain also said that every window in the gambling resort' which is declared to have been In op eration for three years was arri caded with heavy planking reinforced with iron cros: lars Jceeph Barbieri 28 of 76 Norwood street who ass timed full charge of the premises after vice squad officers had made a spectacular entry pleaded guilty to maintaining gambling nui sance and gan blingon the Lord'saiay He was fined $100 on the former and $10 on the la ter count Pleas of nolo contendere were accepted by the court in the cases of the other defendants 10 of whom were fined $10 each fr actual gambling the 11 others being assessed $5 apiece' for being preseht at a game Those charged with actual gambling were: red McDmald 52 of 33 Pearl street George Harris of 315 Chestnut sti st 38 John Johnson 37 of 1200 Sumner avenue: John Adler 43 of 80 Leonard street George Brovman 30 of 41 Reynolds street George Afurry 32 of1797 Alain street George An ton 35 of 78 Charles street Robert Burns Jr 31 of 1797 Main street Edward Johnson 25 of 909 State street John Snvder 32 'of 1839 Alain s'reet Roy Jorgensen 31 of 60 Pearl street Tnose accused of being" present at an llegal gsnie give their names as John Barrett 40 of 97 Prospect street Louis Bianco 3 4 of '99 Leyfred Iter rrne John Smith 40 of 29 John street James Brown 41 of 1839 Main street Joseph Aline 35 of 45 Bron son street Abraham Afargolis 21 of 2oS Worthington street elix Afarri 37 of 4J Leete street Louis Smith of Lenox hotel: John Sullivan 43 of 19 ranklin street James Smith 38 of 69 High street Elevator Operator Seized "Entrance to the gambling den was gained" by Lieut Hailey Blodgett about 145 Seizing an elevator man members of the vice squad went up to the fourth floor where they forced their way into the midst of a wait rl tl'rt I zi rrrzi sz 11UULO UL windows tightly sealed with wooden blocks to keep out any and carpets were the chief da te keep noise to a minimum tiie police entered a dozen or ricn were closely huddled to SPRINGIELD KENNEL CLUB MEETS TONIGHT Boston April 6 Weather fore Alassachusetts Rain tonight and Tuesday Not much change in temperature Lowest temperature in New England 20 degrees at NoTthfield Vt 8 a temperatures: Boston 40 New York city 44 Washing ton 44 Jacksonville 50 St Louis 38 New Orleans 52 Chicago 36 St Paul 36 Denver 42 Des Aloines Kansas City 44 Salt Lake City 46 San rancisco 50 Portland Or 50 Atmospheric Condition As reported by the Harvey Lewis company today: Midnight 6 am Noon temperature 40 Barometer 300 Moisture 50 WALLY EAMES ENGAGED OR Graham uneral Service 37 39 Howard St 3 5175 Personal Service I rank Winslow I Warren Underwood I Charlee Roadetraad I rank irtioo HE SPRINGIELD DAILY NEWS: SPRINGMELD MASS: MONDAY APRIL 6 1S31 Methodist Conf erence Here This? Week Marks 100th Anniversary Of irst Meeting Held In City New England Session of 1831 Held In Old Asbury irstr Church Wesley Is Host This Year With Opening Scheduled or Wednesday Night 'A '(j 'V GRANIELD NOT Airs Stephen Hurd state regent and Mrs Russell Afa*gna historian were guests and speakers at the noon day luncheon ot the Alercy AVarren chapter A today At a meet ing at the Springfield club this afternoon Afiss Suan Tiffany was nominated for election regent and other officers" nominated incltid ed: irst vicerregent Mrs Louis AV Knight second vice recent Airs How ard ield recording secretary4 Mrs AVilliam Littlefield corre sponding secretary Mrs Charles Wright: treasurer Airs rank 1 AV Jackson assistant treasurer Airs Marshall Alagee registrar Airs Charles Umla historian Airs Gilbert A Hay directors Airs Homer Thrasher Mrs Penn Bugbee and Airs John H) Chapman Mrs Ernest Griffin state record ing secretary and Chairman of pub licity was a guest of honor at the luncheon today HAYERS BELAIR AT HOLY AMILY CHURCH Joins Other Concerns ln Asking for Rebate rom Railroads Pleads Not Guilty to Going Away rom Scene of Accident Irak DIED BRtCK At South Hadley Den nis Brick ot Berlin street uneral at funeral rarlors Tuesday morning st 8 30 followed by solemn high requiem mass at St church South Hadley alls at 9 Burial in St cemetery In mis city the 5th Earl Callaghan son ot Mr and Mrs John Callaghan at 86 School street uneral from tlie funeral home ot Sampson Sons Wednesday at 815 a solemn requiem high mass following at St Michael's cathe dral at 9 a riends Invited In this city 4th Mrs Bartha Crane ot 74 Lyndale street uneral services private at funeral home 684 Statestreet Tuesday afternoon at 2 Burial in Springfield cemetery 1 CRANE In this city 4th rank A Crane i' of 74 Lyndale street uneral services pri vate at funeral home 684 State street Tuesday afternoon at 2 Burial in Springfield cemetery In this city the 3d Mary Connors daughter ot Mary Griffin Connors and the late Michael" Connors uneral from the late residence 337 Taylor street Tuesday at 815 a solemn requiem high mass following at St cathedral at 9 a riends invited JONES In this city 5th Albert Jones of 99 York street uneral services from his home Wednesday afternoon at 230 Burial in Woodlawn cemetery Suffield Ct A Byron funeral director At Holyoke "5th Albert Rackllffe ot 1495 Northampton street neral at Alger's funeral parlors Wednesday i'moming at 10 Burial at Middletown CL RIDER At Holyoke Sth Miss Jennie Bell Ttlder 59 of 205 Locust street uneral at the home Wednesday afternoon at 2 Burial In orestdale cemetery At South Hadley alls 4th Her man Smith uneral at the home 12 Bardwell street South Hadley alls Tues day afternoon at 230 Burial in orestdale cemetery EARL moved to this city where Earl was educated He attended the School street school the State street school and Central High school from which he graduated in 1911 or a number of years following his high school days Air Callaghan was employed in the offices of the New York New Haven Hartford rail road the red Ley Co office and the office of the Bosch Alagneto cor poration About 10 years ago he joined the city staff of The Republican and a short time later was transferred to the sporting department' As a member of the city staff and later of the sporting department Mr Callaghan became widely known throughout "Western Alassachusetts His field of acquaintance broadened when he became a member of the city staff of The Daily News where his assignments were of a political na ture More than two years ago 'he was promoted to the position of as sistant telegraph editor He also was a daily contributor to the editorial columns Mr Callaghan was a member of St Michael's cathedral parish" He leaves besides his parents one brother ran cis Callaghan paymaster ot this city The funeral will be held at the Sampson Sons funeral home Wednesday morning followed by a solemn high mass of requiem at St Alichael cathedral at 9 be yllJTiwu 1 I jnn Hi 'y 4 Cs 4 ks yOM 0'' I I.
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